JAS (Judges Assigning System)
Started in 2005 with Carole Ide (2005-2009) as first National Coordinator.
Robin Ruegg was the next National Coordinator followed by Carole and then Donna Trevethan.
Complete explanation concerning the creation of JAS is included in the 2004 National Newsletter, pages 12-14. read more
First Assigners: 2005
Lois Colburn
Carol Curley
Marian DeWane
Priscilla Hickey
Cindy Lord
Brant Lutska
Mary Lee Martin
Linda Morton
Amy Rager
Robin Ruegg
Robin Smith
Patty Vitale
Anne Vogel
At left: Robin Ruegg, Steve Troester, MJ Roehrig (photo from Robin - who said, "This photo is from an NCAA Regional meet in Iowa City, where Steve Troester was our scoring coordinator. Steve is the programmer and administrator who created and maintains the JAS system. He lives in Iowa City. The judges were thrilled to meet the “author” of the JAS program.")
From the JAS Handbook, 2008: "NCAA adopted the JAS (Judges Assigning System) administered by NAWGJ as mandatory for the 2008 season for any team wishing to use their scores for qualification to the NCAA Regional Championship... It has been proposed and supported by the National Association of Collegiate Gymnastics Coaches/Women (NACGC/W) with the following rationale:
• To eliminate bias
• To eliminate the intimidation factor
• To develop consistency in officiating across the country
• To control costs
• To discontinue selection of judges by coaches and meet sites and events by judges
• To create a system for impartial assignments for meets and events
• To lay the groundwork for future development of an educational component"
National Assigners:
Carole Ide 2005-2008, Robin Ruegg 2009-2011, Carole Ide 2011-2013, Donna Trevethan 2013
Jan Adkins (DIII) 2008-2016
Lee Bjella 2008-2011
Lisa Boylan 2009-2013
Debra Campbell 2012-2015
Evelyn Chandler 2011-2014
Denise Coats Lauriett 2014-2017
Lois Colburn 2005-2009, 2011-2014
Diane Cote Burk 2015-2018
Carol Curley 2005-2010
Marian DeWane 2005-2007, 2015-2018
Kelly Dornan-Heimsoth 2008-2011
Janette Doucette 2009-2010
Linda Fenton 2014-2017
Priscilla Hickey 2005-2008,2010-2013
Carole Ide 2005-2010
Sue Kane 2016-2019
Jenna Karadbil, 2016-2019
Sibby Lane 2015-2018
Cindy Lord 2007-2008
Brant Lutska 2005-2008
Mary Lee Martin 2005-2009
Mary Milchanowski 2001-2014
Linda Morton 2005-2007
Amy Rager 2005-2008
Dean Ratliff 2014-2017
Beth Renwick 2015-2018
Robin Ruegg 2005-2007
Jennifer Sampson 2016-2019
Kat Sgamba 2011-2014
Robin Smith 2005, 2010-2013
Donna Trevethan 2008-2011
Patty Vitale 2005-2010, 2012-2015
Anne Vogel 2005-2009
Mary Ann West 2012-2015
Joyce Wallace 2011-2014